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Time to reflect 沉思的時刻
( 2011-09-30 )

      Tears flowed and bells tolled (v.敲鐘) at Ground Zero (n.世界貿易中心遺址) yesterday as Americans (n.美國人) marked (v.紀念) the 10th anniversary (n.周年) of the 9/11 attacks in a rare moment of unity (n.團結) for a country still shaken by the horrific attacks.
      President (n.總統) Barack Obama (n.奧巴馬) and his predecessor (n.前任) and political foe (n.敵人) George W Bush (n.喬治?狺布殊) stood together at Ground Zero in New York (n.紐約) for the main ceremony at the site (n.遺址) of the destroyed Twin Towers (n.雙塔).
      Obama was then due (adj.預計的) to pay homage (n.敬辭) at 9/11's other crash sites in Pennsylvania (n.賓夕法尼亞州) and at the Pentagon (n.五角大樓).
      With federal (adj.聯邦政府的) officials warning of a new terrorism scare (n.威脅), New York was on lockdown (n.活動限制) and security (n.保安) in other cities was also tight, with Obama calling for a "heightened (adj.提高的) state of vigilance (n.警覺) and preparedness."
      The ceremony began in New York with a procession (n.巡遊) of bagpipers (n.風笛手) and singing of the national anthem (n.國歌), before pausing for the first of six moments of silence marking the times when the four hijacked (adj.劫持的) airplanes hit their targets (n.目標) and the two towers came down.
      In the horrific surprise attack on the World Trade Center, 2,753 of the day's 2,977 victims (n.遇難者) died in the subsequent inferno (n.火海) of collapsing (adj.倒塌的) skyscrapers (n.摩天大樓).
      (The Standard, September 12)

      1. Ground Zero (n) / gra?痸nd'z?笈?瑆r?瑆?痸/,ground-ZIA-roh 世界貿易中心遺址、世貿中心遺址
      解讀:全部小寫的ground zero,本指核彈爆炸後空中爆破中心在地面的投影點,大致可說成是核爆中心,例如ground zero at Hiroshima是日本廣島的原爆遺址;九一一發生後,首字母大寫的Ground Zero則用作表示世貿中心遺址。
      2. foe (n) /f?瑆?痸/,f-OH 敵人、仇敵
      解讀:foe即enemy,例如common foe / enemy都是指共同敵人;但foe是個較古老的字,現在多用於正統行文,又或與friend(朋友)共用,尤其用於friend or foe和friend(s) and foe(s) (alike)兩個短語。
      3. homage (n) /'h?忀m?笈d?甝/,HOM-midge 敬辭、表示敬意的行動